
PENTECOST 10 - Romans 8:31-39; Mark 8:11-21

The healings, exorcisms, and feeding of thousands were not enough to convince the Pharisees that Jesus was the Messiah they were waiting for. They demanded a sign from heaven. They wanted Jesus to act more like they thought the Messiah should. But Jesus refused to comply. Then he warned his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees, meaning how they were refusing to change their thinking, clinging stubbornly to their unbelief. The disciples wondered if Jesus mentioned yeast because they have forgotten to bring enough bread with them. Jesus tries to get them to think beyond their practical needs. He had already shown them that he could take care of any food shortage. That was the easy part. Changing the hearts and minds of people was much harder. Jesus urged his followers to focus on heavenly things: on the Kingdom of God, God's loving character, and God's acceptance of all people. That was the good news Jesus was proclaiming. In Romans, Paul reminds us that there is nothing in all of creation, even ourselves, that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Let us not forget that.