
PENTECOST 8 - Ephesians 2:1-10; Mark 4:21-32

Jesus asks his disciples if anyone would light a lamp only to hide it under a basket. Of course, a lamp is meant sit on a lampstand shining light into the room so people can see clearly. But perhaps there are some who would prefer darkness. In Bible times, after sunset, visiting and purposeful activity could not happen without a lamp burning in the house. Darkness is good for sleeping but not for family life before bedtime. Light is used in the Bible to describe life, knowledge, truth, goodness, God’s presence, order and purpose. God is said to be light. Even darkness is not dark to God. Jesus came to be the light of the world, to teach and demonstrate that God is loving and compassionate not angry and condemning. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be light in our own sphere of influence. We are lamps filled with the oil of the Holy Spirit, burning with the light of God. Do we shine out brightly so those around us see the truth about God? Or are we hesitant to be what Jesus redeemed us to be and prefer our light to remain hidden? Let us shine brightly and bring a much-needed perspective to those in our lives.