As part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, the Church of the Good Shepherd recognizes that it is part of something much larger. With our roots in the history of Israel in the Hebrew Bible, the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the Gospels, the formation and fellowship of Christianity in the New Testament, and the ecumenical councils of the Church in its early centuries, we continue in the apostolic tradition passed on for two millennia. As Anglicans, we embrace the historic liturgical and creedal expression of the church catholic while also working to shape our ministry in ways that are accessible to all who attend our services. In this way, we want to be able to connect with anyone who wishes to explore the worship of God in a context of Christian community.

Beyond our local congregation, we are connected in a number of ways with others working to fulfill this vocation of encouraging worship and service as followers of Jesus Christ, and reaching out to assist others with love and support.