
PENTECOST 9 - 2 Kings 4:42-44; Mark 6:30-44 and 8:1-10

Continuing with our discussion of questions that Jesus asks in the gospel accounts, we discuss the feeding of the five thousand and the second feeding of the four thousand. In both events, Jesus asks his disciples, "How many loaves do you have?" Jesus takes the little food his disciples have on hand, blesses it, and has them distribute it to the crowd. All the people in the crowd eat and are filled. The disciples gather several baskets of bits and pieces after everyone had eaten their fill. How did Jesus do it? Feeding many with little is a pattern we see with several of the prophets in the Hebrew Bible . It was a sign that they were true prophets of God. Jesus gives the same sign to those gathered to listen to his teaching, showing he too is a true prophet of God. Reverend Margaret suggests the same pattern is at work today. Jesus still is concerned that the needs of people are met and tasks his followers with doing so. Even the little we have access to can work wonders once we offer it to Jesus and let him bless it. Let's be surprised by the workings of God even today.