

PENTECOST 15 - Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Matthew 18:21-35

The final sermon in this three-part miniseries, we explore the development of the understanding of Yahweh shown in the Scriptures. Since Deuteronomy was written about 800 years after the events of the life of Moses, we see the further understanding of Yahweh reflected in its pages; God had revealed more of God's character over those years than was know to Moses, even after the experience with the burning bush.

The knowledge that God reveals Godself and that God wants to be known has a direct effect on how we understand the revelation of God in Jesus Christ and how we relate to people of other faiths.


We are now able to produce video recordings of the sermons preached during the service at Good Shepherd and that we have to improve the lighting in our nave. Sorry about the grainy image!

If you wish to have just the audio recording so you can listen to the sermon, the link to stream or download the mp3 file is below, as usual.