
EASTER 7 - Romans 7:7b-20, 25b; Psalm 51:1-11; Mark 7:14b-23

Throughout the Bible, one will find a consistent narrative speaking about our human propensity to do what we ought not to do. That narrative points back to Genesis 3 and the first sin of Adam and Eve. Since then, it is understood that we all have inherited as our nature the tendency to act in rebellion to the will and purpose of God, and therefore are wicked from the start (see Psalm 51:6). But is this really the case? If the biblical writers had access to the brain science we've learned just over the past few decades, perhaps this would be described differently and cause us to think differently about how we struggle to follow the moral and ethical principles of the Bible.

In this sermon, Rev Derwyn draws from work done by the late Rev Michael Dowd. While Rev Derwyn forgot to include this acknowledgement, you can check out this YouTube video for an engaging TED talk from Rev Dowd.