
ADVENT 3 - Isaiah 42:1-9; Matthew 12:15-21

Christian tradition holds that the prophet Isaiah has a huge role in preparing the people of Israel for the arrival of the Messiah, and the New Testament refers to Isaiah frequently in light of this pride of place among the prophets. But how does this actually work? Did Isaiah really "see" 700 years into the future? How do we make a connection between what he said and what the gospels say about Jesus? And how do we fit into this? In this sermon, Rev Derwyn explores the background of the book of Isaiah and suggests how it is that we can take the idea of the fulfillment of prophecy when it comes to what we learn of the character of God as revealed in Jesus Christ.

There's a bonus to be found in this video after the sermon at 27:38. The third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday, and the theme for this day is that of joy and rejoicing. In light of this, we had our handbell choir, the Shepherd Bells, play in the service, and two of their pieces are featured here. Enjoy!