
EASTER 4 - Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18

PLEASE NOTE that due to a technical problem, the opening liturgy and the Scripture readings were not included in this video. It begins immediately with a musical piece by our Minister of Music, Jason Barnsley, which is about Jesus the Good Shepherd and then goes directly to the sermon.

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. Easter 4 always has Psalm 23 (The Shepherd's Psalm) as one of the readings and the Gospel is always from John 10, in which Jesus refers to himself as the Good Shepherd. For our parish, then, this Sunday always carries a special significance.

The sermon is part three of the six-part series Rev Derwyn is doing through the season of Easter. He raises some observations and questions that illustrate that this sermon is more about a stage in one's spiritual journey than a perspective. How those observations and questions are handled, however, certainly affect one's perspective on the essential Gospel proclamation...