
TRINITY - 2 Peter 1:1-8; Mark 3:19b-27; 31-35

Today is Trinity Sunday, a day dedicated to acknowledging God as three persons, yet still one. Reverend Margaret uses the Holy Trinity icon by Andrei Rublev to discuss how our mental picture of God ought to be less distant, hierarchical, and condemning than the one we usually create in our minds. Rublev captures the calmness and harmony of the God in Three where each gives fully to the other two and receives in return. There is an empty seat at the table for the viewer of the icon. Each of us is invited into the circle of the Trinity to share in the divine nature. With God we are fully known and loved. With this soothing our brokenness, we have the capacity to reach out to others in love as God has reached out to us. Think of the Triune God extending a hand to you and asking, "Would you care to dance?" What would your answer be?