When the ancient Jews returned from exile in Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple, they found the restoration was not as they had hoped. They continued to live under foreign rule. The temple was a shadow of its former magnificence. The prophets foretold of a coming Anointed One who would lead the nation into a time of peace, hope, joy, and justice. Elijah would come first to prepare the people for his coming. Then the prophets went silent for hundreds of years. What was Yahweh up to? When would Yahweh act? What were they to do in the meantime?
We, too, live in an in-between time waiting for Christ to return and set things right. Do we throw up our hands in despair and wait for him to set things right? No, we continue in the way of the kingdom of God, living lives of justice, truth, compassion, and generosity so Christ may find us ready and working when he returns.