The third Sunday of Advent is traditionally characterized by the theme of joy, and this is well-reflected in the reading from the prophet Zephaniah. However, when we turn to the Gospel reading, it begins with John the Baptizer saying, "You brood of vipers!" Putting these two expressions together can come across as a significant challenge. In this sermon, Bishop Greg speaks to this challenge and points us towards the anticipation for good things that is so much of the season of Advent, and reminds us that part of the good we look forward to is the necessary changes that God wishes to work in each one of us . . .
Following the sermon, our handbell choir The Shepherd Bells will play "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" (at the 20:24 mark), reflecting the theme of the sermon and serving as a transition to a Service of Confirmation in which one of our parishioners is confirmed into the Anglican Church by Bishop Greg.