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If Good Friday is the darkest day of the calendar, Holy Saturday is the most joyous! Traditionally held close to midnight so that the Eucharist is received as the first order of business on Easter Sunday, the Great Vigil of Easter is a celebration of the victory of Christ over death and the Light of the world piercing the darkness. This dramatic and extensive service begins with the lighting of a new fire in the centre of our labyrinth and the lighting of the Paschal candle from it. Then, taking the candle into the darkened church as a representation of Jesus, the Light of world, rising from the dead, we launch into a wondrous celebration of his resurrection. The story of salvation follows with readings punctuated by songs, the renewal of our baptismal vows, and the receiving of the absolution we have longed for since Good Friday. Then after the celebration of the Eucharist, we go forth in the name of the resurrected Christ with shouts of Alleluia, a word we haven't used since the beginning of Lent. The service is followed by a celebration in the Lower Hall where food and drink will be plentiful.